Hawaii, May 18-26, 2015
Part 9 - Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site

Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site

A heiau is a temple, and this one is massive.
It sits atop Pu'ukohola, or The Hill of the Whale.
It was built in 1790-91 by King Kemehameha I, to fulfill a prophecy
that would (and did) make him the ruler of all of the Hawaiian Islands.

The temple.

A low stone wall leads away from one end.
The entire structure was built without mortar, using water-worn lava rocks,
probably transported from the seashore by a 20-mile long human chain.

The pathway to the temple is blocked by a gate
and this unmistakable symbol of major kapu (taboo).

A platform for offerings.

Hawaii 2015 index


Last updated June 1, 2015